When you need to respond to an emergency, you need to know what is happening – Senceive remote monitoring technology provides fast, reliable asset data before, during and after emergency events. Be ready to deploy robust wireless sensors to measure movement of structures, water level and detect landslides – without returning to site.
Monitor ongoing movement in near real-time. Assess the stability of damaged buildings, bridges, dams and more. Monitor water levels or washout of flood defenses. Detect impact damage, scour and landslides. Receive precise data and critical alerts, and by adding our InfraGuard™ monitoring solution, get photos of the site.
All our kits come with the core elements needed to deploy a wireless monitoring system. They also come with the flexibility to choose different types of sensor and components to suit your needs, whether for at-risk structures such as bridges or dams, for buildings, or for earthworks such as levees or embankments.
Installation is quick and simple and you’ll get precise online data and automated alerts almost immediately – including from locations that are challenging or dangerous to reach. Set alert thresholds and use cellular cameras to see what’s happening 24/7.
Safety: Reduce boots on ground post-emergency
Near Real-Time Data: Enabling rapid response
Eyes on the Site: Detect post-emergency secondary movement
Ease of Installation: Cable free sensors, solar powered gateway, quick installation with no need for calibration