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Smarter Structural Health Monitoring
for Safer Infrastructure

Monitor with long life, low maintenance wireless technology

To manage structural health safely and efficiently you need reliable condition data. With near-continuous sampling, real-time alerts and ultra-long-life performance, wireless remote monitoring can deliver.

Five reasons to choose wireless remote structural health monitoring

Fewer site visits and less time working in challenging conditions means lower risk to your team.

Low operating costs and minimal maintenance requirements enable cost-effective, long-life asset monitoring.

Wireless structural health monitoring cuts travel requirements and can extend asset life.

Quick to install, quick to deliver the information you need.

Senceive wireless technology is built for the challenges of long-term structural monitoring.

How it works

Explore our interactive structural health monitoring model.

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Vibrating Wire Sensor Node with Piezometer

The Vibrating Wire Sensor Node supports a variety of interface sensors such as crack or strain gauges and extensometers.

Here it is connected to a piezometer and prevents the need for manual logging by transmitting data on pore water pressure and groundwater level variations.

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Tilt Beams with Nano Triaxial Tilt Sensor Nodes

The Tilt Beam can be mounted in any orientation and rapidly deployed in single or daisy-chained configurations. Tilt sensor nodes fixed to beams allow movement to be assessed over a wide zone to provide a comprehensive assessment.

Here the sensors are monitoring for tank wall deflection.

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PT100 RTD Sensor Node

The PT100 RTD Sensor Node enables precise temperature monitoring and can be supplied with an integrated triaxial tilt sensor.

Here the PT100 is installed on a chimney for combined tilt and temperature sensing.

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Wireless tilt sensors are mounted on stakes which are driven into the face of the slope. The sensors detect rotational movements and send scheduled data reports. Sudden movement events are also detected as they happen, regardless of the pre-set sampling schedule.

When pre-set thresholds are breached, sampling is accelerated and nearby nodes are triggered.

When a camera is integrated into the system, users will also get sent scheduled photos, as well as immediate photos during sudden events.

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Nano Macro Triaxial Tilt Sensor Nodes

The Nano is a wireless tiltmeter that delivers precise readings of measurements of changes of rotational movement in a compact, robust enclosure, and offers NFC for user-interaction. With no external antenna, the Nano is ideal for the most challenging environments.

Here the Nano is installed on a building to measure stability.

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FlatMesh 4G Camera

The FlatMesh 4G Camera is a high resolution camera that is able to take great quality black and white photos of your site day or night. The camera can be set to take photos at regular intervals, on demand, or most interestingly, when triggered by movements detected in nearby sensors.

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Millivolt Sensor Node

The Millivolt Sensor Node enables a variety of structural and geotechnical sensors to be integrated into a wireless monitoring system.

Here the sensor monitors for conductivity in the area around the pipe to monitor for leaks. A node cap helps protect the antenna.

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Vibrating Wire Sensor Nodes with strain gauges

The Vibrating Wire Sensor Node supports a variety of interface sensors such as crack or strain gauges and extensometers.

Here it is connected to a strain gauge to prevent the need for manual monitoring by transmitting data over a wireless network.

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Optical Displacement Sensor Node

The ODS combines a tilt meter and a laser displacement sensor. Together they provide information about the stability of the structure the sensor is fixed to and the relative movement of a target structure.

Here the ODS measures tunnel convergence.

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Crack Sensor Node

The Crack Sensor Node is used to monitor structural behaviour including the development of cracks in concrete or masonry, movement of expansion joints and pile separation.

Here it is monitoring the movement of a crack on the rock surface above the tunnel.

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Tilt Beams with Nano Triaxial Tilt Sensor Nodes

The Tilt Beam can be mounted in any orientation and rapidly deployed in single or daisy-chained configurations. Tilt sensor nodes fixed to beams allow movement to be assessed over a wide zone to provide a comprehensive assessment.

Here the sensors are monitoring for settlement of the bridge.

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Crack Sensor Node

The Crack Sensor Node is used to monitor structural behaviour including the development of cracks in concrete or masonry, movement of expansion joints and pile separation.

Here it is monitoring to ensure bridge joints are expanding and contracting within acceptable limits.

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Optical Displacement Sensor Node

The ODS combines a tilt meter and a laser displacement sensor. Together they provide information about the stability of the structure the sensor is fixed to and the relative movement of a target structure.

Here the ODS measures the stability of the bridge abutment as well as any lateral movement.

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Nano Macro Triaxial Tilt Sensor Nodes

The Nano is a wireless tiltmeter that delivers precise readings of measurements of changes of rotational movement in a compact, robust enclosure, and offers NFC for user-interaction. With no external antenna, the Nano is ideal for the most challenging environments.

Here Nanos are installed on catch fence supports to monitor stability of the rock face.

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Nano Macro Triaxial Tilt Sensor Nodes

The Nano is a wireless tiltmeter that delivers precise readings of measurements of changes of rotational movement in a compact, robust enclosure, and offers NFC for user-interaction. With no external antenna, the Nano is ideal for the most challenging environments.

Here the Nano is installed on a dam to measure rotational movement.

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Digital Interface Node

The Digital Interface Node is a wireless digital data logger that enables automated sampling. It is compatible with many types of sensor that carry a digital output. Interact and manage your data online and change reporting times and thresholds remotely.

Here the Digital Interface Node is connected to an inclinometer.

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FlatMesh 4G Gateway

The FlatMesh 4G Gateway provides all the functionality required to operate a wireless sensor network in a remote location.  With a solar panel, no fixed power supply is required.  Data is transmitted from the sensors to the Gateway. Choose whether you want to relay your data to our cloud-based portal WebMonitorTM or to third party visualisation software.

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Digital Interface Node

The Digital Interface Node is a wireless digital data logger that enables automated sampling. It is compatible with many types of sensor that carry a digital output. Interact and manage your data online and change reporting times and thresholds remotely.

Here the Digital Interface Node is connected to a piezometer.

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Digital Interface Node

The Digital Interface Node is a wireless digital data logger that enables automated sampling. It is compatible with many types of sensor that carry a digital output. Interact and manage your data online and change reporting times and thresholds remotely.

Here the Digital Interface Node is connected to a weather station.

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Vibrating Wire Sensor Node with strain gauge

The vibrating wire enables high precision and low power monitoring of a wide variety of structural and geotechnical sensors.

Here it is connected to a strain gauge.

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Precise, reliable data helps infrastructure owners to monitor long-term structural performance, optimise maintenance and extend asset life. Automated alerts of threshold breaches help protect both the infrastructure and the people using it.

The advantages of wireless can be seen throughout the asset lifecycle from construction to decommissioning. Long-term applications extend beyond 10 years, with short-term deployment often lasting just hours or days, for example during construction or following an event such as flood or fire damage.

Senceive wireless monitoring technology is deployed on infrastructure worldwide including:

Learn more

Multi-Sensor Systems for Structural Monitoring: Practical Applications in Wireless Condition Monitoring

  • Bridge monitoring Portugal tilt sensors
  • " loading="lazy"/>

    How MATEREO are using Senceive technology to monitor the structural behaviour of one of the busiest bridges in Portugal

    Enhancing Tunnel Safety: How Senceive's Advanced Sensor Systems Provide Precise, Realtime Monitoring Data

  • Odigeetria Church, Corfu – Structural Monitoring
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    How Senceive’s turnkey wireless technology characterised structural movement of a historic church in Greece

    More Effective Risk Mitigation for Tunneling Construction

  • Dam tilt sensors
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    How wireless monitoring helped safeguard local people and an aging hydroelectric dam during an essential repair

    Trusted by infrastructure companies worldwide

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