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Wireless Rockfall monitoring

Sudden event detection with immediate alerts and photos

Rockfall monitoring

Senceive’s Rockfall monitoring system, protected by InfraGuardTM offers near real-time detection of sudden rockfall events, providing accurate and immediate alerts, complimented by high-resolution photo verification.

This enables a swift, informed response, significantly reducing the time it takes to detect a rockfall event and initiate measures such as temporary closure of affected infrastructure. Safeguard your assets and enhance safety with continuous monitoring.

Rockfall on steep slope next to a road
Rockfall monitoring system with catchfence tilt sensors draw wire

Rockfall Remote Condition
Monitoring (RCM)

Our rockfall monitoring solution is a risk management system that warns asset owners in near real-time of rockfall and avalanche events.

The rockfall detection system can be used next to a railway line, a road, a pipeline, an open pit mine, or anywhere that a rockfall would pose a threat to infrastructure or people.

The rockfall monitoring technology is well suited to remote areas and can operate without any external power sources.

The rock slope monitoring system uses triaxial tilt sensors, easily fitted to catchfence poles, and draw wire sensors.

Data is transmitted via 4G Gateway to the data viewing software of your choice. Many users choose to install the optional 4G Camera - providing high resolution images, day or night and therefore helping to verify the severity of the event.

The system is triggered by a sudden impact on the fence or posts and/or by rotation of the posts. The detection of impact or rotation prompts all other sensors within the system to wake up and take readings. The integrated camera will also wake up and take photos.

Rock Slope Stability Monitoring - How it works

Camera confirmation for rockfall events including:

  1. Impact-acceleration of the tilt sensors
  2. Increasing tension on the draw wires
  3. Rotation of the fenceposts

Key features of rockfall detection & early warning systems include

  • InfraGuard™ Technology – Sudden event detection in near real-time, not reliant on pre-set sampling intervals.
  • Long Battery Life – Wireless sensor nodes need minimal maintenance over their approx. 10-year life.
  • High-Quality Camera Images – Clear images day and night, reduce false alerts.
  • Sensor Redundancy – Multiple sensors ensure consistent performance and reliability, even if one fails.
  • Immediate Alerts – Instant notifications via email and SMS are sent when thresholds are breached, enabling quick response.
  • Solar Powered – Operates independently of external power sources, enhancing deployment flexibility.
  • Dynamic Sampling/Reporting – Automatically adjusts sampling and reporting rates based on sensor triggers, optimising data collection according to movement severity.

Advantages of wireless monitoring for rock slopes:

Risk management


Robust, reliable solution with a high detection rate and a low incidence of false alarms.

Alarm system


Enhance rockfall detection warnings with near real-time alerts with precise location.

Detect rock slope stability issues

Detect rock slope
stability issues

Increase safety and prevent natural hazards becoming accidents.

Camera image of rockfall monitoring solution on rock slope with draw wires in Switzerland

4G Camera image of rockfall monitoring solution on rock slope in Switzerland

Learn more about rockfall monitoring

Geohazard Risk Mitigation: Innovations in Wireless Monitoring Technology

  • Rockfall monitoring Lend Austria catchfence
  • " loading="lazy"/>

    How ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG deployed wireless monitoring technology to detect rockfall hazards and safeguard critical rail infrastructure

    Remote Monitoring Innovation for More Resilient Infrastructure

    Rockfall Monitoring: Advanced Wireless Solutions for Geological Risk Management

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